Friday, May 15, 2009

Feeling good

People have been commenting on how good I look for just having had surgery, so I danced a little jig on the way to the bathroom. Mike said "don't push it!". Dorothy's oatmeal raisin cookies are awesome and soft. Overall I'm feeling great and glad this part is done. Hoping to go home tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I haven't read my email in about 3 weeks and was shocked to see your news! However, your effervescent attitude has apparently survived! It is a part of you I remember so fondly and what endeared me to you.

    Now for the wierd part... I've had a scratch throat/dry cough going on and off for a while... but ON for the last 6+ weeks. I went to my primary care and he sent me to an ENT on his own.. my appt is for next week. I'm praying for it to be nothing serious.. but I'm REALLY glad that I'm going!

    Lots of love to you and Mike and the kids!

    Ronda (aka OTTO)
