Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Accidental Chef, T - 10

On the plate: chips and salsa, chicken fajita with onions, peppers, salsa, small plate: apple berry salsa with cinnamon and sugar matzo. See, so tortilla or cheese on the fajita!!

OK, this post is actually being written on T-9, but it is 4:30 in the morning and I meant to do it last night.
Once again, I am beside myself with glee, merely for doing what most people do all the time...cook a great meal. I do, however, have a greater appreciation for restaurants now and will never take for granted all the work that they save me!
Anyway, last night (or should I say all day yesterday) I made chicken fajitas with onions and peppers, homemade fresh salsa, homemade tortilla chips (made with corn tortillas which had no prohibited ingredients), apple berry salsa, cinnamon chips (which I could not eat, so I put cinnamon and sugar on a matzo and used that--turned out well) and finally, after a week of NO CHOCOLATE, I made a chocolate fudge cake (in the low iodine cookbook, but almost identical to the "chocolate mess" recipe I make all the time.
Surprisingly, I am still feeling rather well. Besides all the cooking, I got a lot of painting done in the basement. I am a bit more tired, and falling asleep about 9 pm, but I am waking up so darn early and not being able to go back to sleep. From most accounts, people sleep a lot during this time, but I really have been sleeping worse at night and minimally during the day, although I am taking more rests between tasks.

The hardest part is not knowing whether or not this is as bad as it gets or if the whole thing will unexpectedly catch up with me without warning. So I thank God emphatically that I expected to feel like crap for this period and I have had no meds for 7 days so far and have had 7 really good days.
Tonight: leftovers. The Accidental Chef is taking a break.

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