Thursday, June 4, 2009

Still no concrete date for Radioactive Ablation

I still don't have a concrete date for the radioactive ablation treatment, but it will probably be around the 25th of June...I am actually looking forward to getting this over and getting the dosage of Synthroid figured out so I can feel normal in the long term.

Lately I've been feeling almost too good...wired and tired sometimes, but I feel like I am going a mile a minute. My BP is a bit too high, so I get to add yet another drug to the regimen.

I am beginning to plan for the low iodine diet I have to be on for 2 weeks prior to the radioactive iodine. I can have salt, but it has to be non-iodized, so most commercially prepared products are out if they are made with salt because there is no way of knowing from the label if the salt used is iodized or not. That means Josh (who likes to use the bread machine) and I will be baking homemade bread with approved ingredients (there is a whole list of other things...NO MILK OR DAIRY AT ALL, NO EGG YOLKS, NO SOY OR SOY OILS and lots of other stuff) so this will take a bit of planning. I am going to go through my pantry and put stickers on everthing that is OK for me to eat so I don't have to think about it when the time comes. The Thyroid Cancer Survivors' group has a cookbook online, which I have printed and has some great ideas/recipes. For two weeks, that is 14 whole days, I will be a Lisa no one has ever seen...the Lisa who cooks from scratch! UGH!

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